Managing Interior Painting Projects: A Top 10 List of Best Practices
If you are a remodeler or builder, and include painting in the scope of your work, use these…
General Woodworking Knowledge
Woodworking encompasses an incredibly wide spectrum. This includes anything from making knickknacks and birdhouses, to building heirloom furniture…
Choosing the Right Wood for Your Project
As tempting as it may be, cost should not be the driving factor in choosing the right wood…
Measuring Tips and Techniques for DIYers
When doing home improvement projects there are a lot of euphemisms that come with the territory. One that…
Creating a Better Team Will Create a More Efficient Job
Henry Ford was quoted as saying, “coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is…
Tips for Easier DIY When You Work by Yourself
For the most part, many home improvement DIY projects can be accomplished solo. For many people, there is…
The Latest Tech Innovations for Contractors
Who doesn’t like the latest gadgets to help make the job go a little easier? The old adage that “necessity…
Know Where Your Lumber Comes From
If you want to know more about the lumber that you purchase, your search doesn’t have to stop…